class: center, middle, title-slide # Handling Complicated Tasks with a Chatbot ## Jon Johnson .boxes[ .icons[ <i class="fab fa-github"></i> jrjohnson <br /> <i class="fab fa-twitter"></i> jrjohnson_ <br /> <i class="fab fa-slack"></i> jrjohnson-ucsf <br /> ] .avatar[ ![Jon's avatar](../shared/avatar.jpg) ] ] ## UCTech Slack: <br><br> ### Plain Text and Slides At: #### ??? # Who am I? - Web Platform Engineer and Manager [@ucsf_library]( (PHP, Javascript) - Technical lead for the [Ilios Project]( open source curriculum management system for health science education. - UCTech Slack Ambassador --- class: center,middle,loading <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" viewbox="0 0 392.11 392.11" aria-hidden="true"> <title>Ilios Logo</title> <path d="M371.83,461.83c-77.62-89.13-98.6-113.11-30.25-93.76-62.12-34.35-30.23-36.41,87.67-44.87-117.91-8.47-149.8-10.52-87.67-44.87-68.34,19.35-47.37-4.63,30.26-93.76-89.12,77.62-113.11,98.6-93.76,30.25-34.35,62.12-36.41,30.23-44.87-87.68-8.47,117.91-10.53,149.8-44.87,87.68,19.35,68.34-4.64,47.37-93.76-30.26,77.62,89.13,98.59,113.11,30.25,93.76,62.12,34.35,30.23,36.41-87.68,44.87,117.91,8.47,149.8,10.52,87.68,44.87,68.34-19.35,47.37,4.63-30.25,93.76,89.12-77.62,113.11-98.6,93.76-30.25,34.35-62.12,36.41-30.23,44.87,87.68,8.47-117.91,10.52-149.8,44.87-87.68C258.71,363.23,282.7,384.21,371.83,461.83Z" transform="translate(-37.14 -127.14)"/> <text x="50%" y="50%" alignment-baseline="middle" text-anchor="middle">Ilios</text> </svg> ??? #Our Story - Ilios is a 20 year old project which started as an MS Access Database - Built by UCSF, but available for free (and supported) - Installed at medical, dental, pharmacy, nursing, around the world including UCI and maybe soon UCSD - Been through several revisions since then, but in 2014 we decided to rewrite it --- class: center,middle # @greeterbot <i class="fas fa-robot"></i> ## Your First UCTech Friend .footnote[] ??? - If you want to get your feet wet with bots we could always use help with greeterbot - If you don't remember what it does just say `greet me` to that app in Slack --- class: center,middle # @Zorgbort <i class="fas fa-robot"></i> -- ## Or whatever stupid name you want to give your bot <i class="fas fa-smile"></i> .footnote[] ??? - The Ilios project bot - Mainly what I'll be talking about today --- class: center,middle # Automate Everything <blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">If you're scared to deploy on Fridays, you should be scared to deploy ever. <br><br>Don't you have tests? Backups? Roll back? Come on.</p>— Jessica Mauerhan (@JessicaMauerhan) <a href="">July 27, 2018</a></blockquote> --- class: center, middle # Automation Brings Speed ??? - Jason is always 'Dialing it in' - This is a task which may never be completely done, but like CI setup it's always worth getting right - Good, reliable, automation truly pays off over the long term -- ## and sometimes money! ??? - UCSF was able to offer paid hosting support to Stanford (and soon OHSU and USF) - We were able to do this because we made the administrative costs very low for each instance --- class: center,middle,containers # Our Automation Goal -- ## Human .row[ <i class="fab medium fa-slack"></i> <i class="fal fa-arrow-from-left"></i> <i class="fal medium fa-coffee"></i> <i class="fal fa-arrow-from-left"></i> <i class="fal medium fa-island-tropical"></i> <i class="fal fa-arrow-from-left"></i> <i class="fal medium fa-smile"></i> ] -- ## Robots .row[ <i class="fab medium fa-slack"></i> <i class="fal fa-arrow-right"></i> <i class="fal medium fa-robot"></i> <i class="fal fa-arrow-right"></i> <i class="fal medium fa-code-branch"></i> <i class="fal fa-arrow-right"></i> <i class="fab medium fa-github"></i> <i class="fal fa-arrow-right"></i> <i class="fal medium fa-clipboard-check"></i> <i class="fal fa-arrow-right"></i> <i class="fal medium fa-conveyor-belt"></i> <i class="fal fa-arrow-right"></i> <i class="fab medium fa-docker"></i> <i class="fal fa-arrow-right"></i> <i class="fab medium fa-aws"></i> <i class="fal fa-arrow-right"></i> <i class="fal medium fa-users"></i> ] ??? Tag Code 1. Tag Code as v65.4.3 2. Go To Lunch 3. v65.4.3 is now in *Production* 4. Repeat --- class: center,middle # Where we are now --- class: center,middle ![zorgbort screenshot](media/zorgbort1.png) --- class: center,middle ![zorgbort screenshot](media/zorgbort2.png) --- class: center,middle ![zorgbort screenshot](media/zorgbort3.png) --- class: center,middle ![zorgbort screenshot](media/zorgbort4.png) --- class: center,middle ![zorgbort screenshot](media/zorgbort5.png) --- class: center,middle ![zorgbort screenshot](media/zorgbort6.png) --- class: center,middle ![zorgbort screenshot](media/zorgbort7.png) --- class: center,middle # Zorgbort is just the fancy UI -- ## The hard part is building automated processes -- ### But knowing a UI can be built can make the automation process simpler ??? - Our first iteration was entirely conversational - You would say `release the frontend` and Zorg would answer back with questions - It wasn't as pretty, but it mostly got the job done. --- class: center,middle # <i class='fas fa-code-branch huge'></i> ??? - We use git tags to drive our process - Once something is tagged in github it kicks off automation - Tagging things is easy - Discovering tags is easy --- class: center,middle # <i class="fal fa-smile-wink"></i> No one cares about your problems Jon <i class="fal fa-smile-wink"></i> ## <i class="fal fa-grin"></i> Show us how to build bots! <i class="fal fa-grin"></i> --- class: center,middle # <i class="fab fa-slack huge"></i> ??? - I'm going to be focusing on Slackbots - There are all kinds of other chatbot options - Whatever your team is most familiar with should work - The bot is just a UI on top of a process - We're using the slack conversation API, there is a newer Blocks API that you should check out. --- class: center,middle <i class="fab fa-node huge"></i> ??? ## Easy to deploy lots of places ## Botkit (and many other) frameworks ## Cuz javascript is the BEST! --- class: center,middle <i class="fas fa-home huge"></i> # Home is where the bot lives ??? - Your bot will probably be portable so you can go with whatever makes you happy - Lots of options for free bot hosts, or at the very least super cheap --- class: center,middle .row[ <i class="fab fa-google big"></i> <i class="fab fa-microsoft big"></i> <i class="fab fa-aws big"></i> ] -- .row[ <i class="fab fa-bitbucket medium"></i> <i class="fab fa-github medium"></i> <i class="fab fa-canadian-maple-leaf medium"></i> <i class="fab fa-centercode medium"></i> <i class="fab fa-cloudscale medium"></i> <i class="fab fa-cloudsmith medium"></i> <i class="fab fa-cloudversify medium"></i> <i class="fab fa-cuttlefish medium"></i> <i class="fab fa-digital-ocean medium"></i> <i class="fab fa-docker medium"></i> <i class="fab fa-gitlab medium"></i> <i class="fab fa-hubspot medium"></i> <i class="fab fa-linode medium"></i> <i class="fab fa-salesforce medium"></i> <i class="fab fa-sourcetree medium"></i> <i class="fab fa-usps medium"></i> ] ??? - Some of the biggest names in hosting will host your app - But probably anything you trust will do - So what are the minimum requirements --- .center[ # Slackbot anatomy ] -- .center[ ## ... first of all they're called apps now ] -- <br /> > ### <i class="fas fa-phone"></i> Don't call us, we'll call you > ### <i class="fas fa-paper-plane"></i> Subscribe to the event types you need > ### <i class="fas fa-lock"></i> Governed by OAuth permission scopes > ### <i class="fas fa-robot"></i> Bot users served here > ### <i class="fas fa-magic"></i> Everything is eventual .footnote[] --- # <i class="fas fa-phone"></i> Don't call us, we'll call you ## POST ```json { "token": "XXYYZZ", "team_id": "TXXXXXXXX", "api_app_id": "AXXXXXXXXX", "event": { "type": "name_of_event", "event_ts": "1234567890.123456", "user": "UXXXXXXX1", ... }, "type": "event_callback", "authed_users": [ "UXXXXXXX1", "UXXXXXXX2" ], "event_id": "Ev08MFMKH6", "event_time": 1234567890 } ``` --- # <i class="fas fa-magic"></i> Everything is eventual ## POST /api/chat.postMessage ```json { "channel":"C061EG9SL", "text":"I hope the tour went well, Mr. Wonka.", "attachments":[ { "text":"Who wins the lifetime supply of chocolate?", "fallback":"You could be telling the computer exactly what it can do with a lifetime supply of chocolate.", "color":"#3AA3E3", "attachment_type":"default", "callback_id":"select_simple_1234", "actions":[ { "name":"winners_list", "text":"Who should win?", "type":"select", "data_source":"users" } ] } ] } ``` --- .center[ # <i class="fas fa-glasses"></i> Botkit <i class="fas fa-mask"></i> ## Our Hero ] ```javascript const Botkit = require('botkit'); const hal = new Botkit(); hal.hears('Open the pod bay doors', async (bot, message) => { await bot.reply(message, "I'm Sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that."); }); ``` --- .center[ # Intelligent Conversation ] ```javascript const Botkit = require('botkit'); const Skynet = require('skynet'); const controller = new Botkit(); controller.hears(async (bot, message) => { const reply = Skynet.process(message.text); await bot.reply(message, reply); }); ``` ??? - Services like AWS Lex can be used to make your bot easier to talk to - If the bot is just a UI you could attach other UIs to the same structure --- class: center,middle # Don't trust the **#&$%!s** at SlackHQ --- class: center,middle # Don't trust the Developers at SlackHQ -- ## Slack should be a thin layer on top of functionality -- ### Because the slack API will change -- #### Not without warning ??? - They're paid to invent new things - they do this a lot - so your bot will probably be old fast, that's ok. --- # @Zorgbort ```javascript module.exports = bot => { bot.hears(['start release', 'release'], ['direct_message', 'direct_mention', 'mention'], startRelease); bot.on('interactive_message_callback', chooseReleaseType); bot.on('interactive_message_callback', confirmRelease); bot.on('interactive_message_callback', doRelease); }; ``` .footnote[] ??? - Bot listens for different types of events or keywords and then passes execution off to another function. --- # @Zorgbort ## chooseReleaseType ```javascript const startRelease = async (bot, message) => { bot.reply(message, createActionReply(':cool: I just need to know:', releaseProject, [ { name: 'project', text: 'Which Project?', type: 'select', options: [ { text: 'Ilios Frontend', value: 'frontend', }, { text: 'Ember Simple Charts', value: 'simple-charts', }, ] }, ])); }; ``` .footnote[] ??? - Some of those functions send messages back for clarification / authentication --- # @Zorgbort ## releaseAndTag ```javascript const releaseAndTag = async (owner, repo, releaseType, namer) => { const { nextVersion, currentVersion } = await incrementPackageVersion(dir, releaseType); await commitAndTag(dir, version, releaseName); const release = await Github.repos.createRelease({ owner, repo, tag_name: version, name: releaseName, body: releaseNotes, draft: false, prerelease: false, }); return { version, releaseName, releaseUrl: }; }; ``` .footnote[] ??? - But the real meat is done without the bot at all, this makes it easier to switch out the conversational parts and to test the non-bot stuff. --- class: center,middle # Start the Conversation -- ## Send Alerts -- ## Start a Virtual Standup -- ### Remind Yourself to Drink More Water -- .left[ ```javascript await bot.startConversationInChannel(SLACK_CHANNEL_ID); await bot.say('The Server is On Fire!!! :fire:'); await bot.say('Everybody Blame Jon'); await bot.say("PS: don't tell Jon!"); ``` ] --- class: center,middle # Security .huge[🙈] ??? ## Depends on the specific threat ## Slack requires token auth and SSL ## You may need to validate users yourself --- class: middle # Authorize Users ```javascript if (validUsers.includes(user)) { try { return await releaseAndTag(owner, repo, releaseType, namer); } catch (e) { bot.reply(message, `Error: ${e.message} (stack trace in logs)`); console.error(e); } ``` ??? - Slack UserIds are persistent - Only as good as slack's account security --- # Testing locally ```bash $ npm start > zorgbort@1.0.0 start > node zorgbort.js Initializing Botkit v0.7.4 info: ** Using simple storage. Saving data to .data/db/ info: ** Starting webserver on port 3000 info: ** Serving webhook endpoints for Slash commands and outgoing webhooks at: info: ** Serving login URL: info: ** Serving oauth return endpoint: ``` -- ## So how to we hookup slack to port 3000? --- ```bash $ npm install -g localtunnel ``` ```bash $ lt --port 3000 -s zorgbort-stage your url is: ``` ![Screenshot of Slack's Interactive setup process](media/slack-interactive.png) ??? - The localtunnel NPM module is mad sweet - Slack let's you pick any URL to send things to, create a test-bot app and a real one. --- class: center,middle # Let's Review -- ## Bots Are Cool -- ### But They're Really Just Window Dressing --- class: center, middle, title-slide # Discussion / Questions? .boxes[ .icons[ <i class="fab fa-github"></i> jrjohnson <br /> <i class="fab fa-twitter"></i> jrjohnson_ <br /> <i class="fab fa-slack"></i> jrjohnson-ucsf <br /> ] .avatar[ ![Jon's avatar](../shared/avatar.jpg) ] ] ## UCTech Slack: <br><br> ### Slides at: #### ??? # Thanks - UCTech for the invitation - UCSF Library - My Team # This is the first time I've given this talk so please ask me # at least three questions so I know what needs improvement!